Spiritual psychosis is not inner Divine Union

I’ve been asked by my guides to relay this information as we go further into this new chapter of co-creation and building of the “New Earth” or the Golden Era.

There are many who are in spiritual psychosis who are seen as leaders in the spiritual community, those who have shiny “new” insights regarding galactics, ancient wars, earthly and soul tribes, etc.

I personally have witnessed this in 3 men (with large followings) who are charming, charismatic, “down to earth”, and here to help people.

Their patterns have been this:

– They “know” the divine plan and are in a leading position so people take their “channeled” information as the word of god (no questioning it!).

– Go from relationship to relationship (aka codependency), grooming the women, never being alone or clearing their energy from past relationships, and using the women as shields so that people can’t see (energetically) the areas they haven’t healed/done inner work – and the women/partners pay for this by their bodies/health suffering.

– Are expert manipulators and take codes/keys – especially in large group calls and from 1×1 clients. They feed information to clients and create false timelines with them – to fulfill their agenda.

– Use their clients and “friends” to enact “karmic justice” on others so that they themselves don’t face karmic repercussions, yet the person who enacted it does.

– Believe they are Yeshua, Metatron, one of the Archangels, etc. (Online, I have met 5 Yeshuas so far and 2 Metatrons…as well as 4 Isises and 3 Mary Magdalenes).

– Have the ability to create hierarchy because their mission is “more important” than everyone else’s and they will “save” the earth/humanity/universe with their physical Divine Union, and that their DU is the most important thing on this planet and must happen now.

– Encroach upon the freewill of others because they “can see the truth” and they tend to be correct about things (again, goes back to how many people they get to help them create false timelines/realities).

– Uses different drugs (mdma, ketamine, aya, mushrooms, etc.) consistently to blow their chakras open, gain new information from galactics and not understand that this leads to hijacking/manipulations/false info.

– This list continues but you get the point.

I’ve known women who do this as well, with similar tendencies/techniques.

Yet for karmic reasons, all of these “leaders” have many followers and new people come to them constantly, thus the “leaders” are being fed new energy and knowledge/codes. Which is all a part of the discernment initiation of each soul, and becoming truly self-sovereign (not depending on information outside of own inner knowing).

All of these people have claimed to be in their Divine Union at least 2 times since I’ve been aware of them (with 2 different partners) over the past 5 years, making a mockery of what Divine Union actually is.

Divine Union is a sacred path that begins within first  – it is not about being in constant relationships, or refusing to be isolated in order to go into the depths of your own soul and clear yourself out. There are initiations that cannot be bypassed in order to walk in this holy way.

Divine Union is to marry the inner feminine and masculine of your own energy and come into a loving, intimate and communicative relationship with source -> so much so that it does not require you to “be” in a relationship with another outside of yourself (although physical/outer union can be a side effect of inner union if that is the soul’s desire/agreement).

And there is no time limit on these true physical unions (“must be done today!” is ego/false self).

Spiritual psychosis is a very real thing, and it leads to infiltrations, hijackings, and themes of grandiosity because the chakras being blown wide open simultaneously can lead to the fragmentation of the human brain, as well as narcissism and manipulation. Added to layers upon layers of trauma over numerous lifetimes and you have the perfect storm.


We are getting better at spotting this and understanding what this means when a person comes towards us in this manner. And we do our best to be loving and to assist (if we are called to).

However, in our own integrity, we cannot allow this in our fields – the creation of false timelines to suit false narratives; the using of a woman/man as a shield in a relationship (where you see the health of that shield-partner’s energy and body deteriorate); and the lack of accountability for their continued actions.

Divine Unions are joyful, loving and supportive; free and magical, and a powerful pillar to behold! They transmute dense energies, work through problems together (in equality, not one above/more advanced than the other), assist each other, and are here for the highest alignment and thriving.

However, Divine Unions are not everyone’s journey in this lifetime; it literally depends upon the soul, not the ego.

We are here to co-create with the Divine and with our soul communities. All over this wonderful, magnificent Great Mother Earth, in resonance with our soul lands.

And to do this, we remain in our truth, our hearts and our integrity.

If something feels off in your body about a person, trust yourself. Trust your own inner knowing.

All is being revealed.

For the highest good of all.
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